Helping entrepreneurs communicate better through the power of story.

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When AI Meets The Content Beast

Based on his best-selling book, The Content Beast, this keynote will cover the fundamentals and the importance of creating consistent, valuable content, as well as introduce the foundation of AI and how to use it effectively for marketing.

Content marketing has become a crucial aspect of any modern marketing strategy. With the rise of the digital age, consumers want to engage with brands and companies that provide them with valuable information and entertainment through relevant and engaging content.

This interactive keynote will inspire and engage your audience to embrace the importance of Story Content™ and how AI intersects with content marketing.

Tips on both crafting compelling story-driven content and how to effectively leverage the power of AI.

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The Science of Story

This talk shares the WHY story matters and examines the science behind how the human brain behaves. Effective Communication is critical in business and telling stories is a modern day business necessity. There is a lot of noise and clutter to cut through to be heard and using stories can help both capture and maintain an audience’s attention. This talk will share examples of the impact of telling stories rather than simply giving information as well as providing a simple and effective format for telling compelling stories that the audience can implement immediately.

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The Art of Visual Storytelling

The most effective way to communicate is by telling stories and the best way to tell stories is through visual communication. This talk will share the research and data demonstrating the power of visual communication. It will then review both the variety of types of visual communication and the different platforms to share these stories. The talk will also provide actionable insights and tips on how to develop and share engaging visual stories so that you can connect with your audience more successfully.

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Lu Ann's Headshot

Great talk about the power of stories and how to tell stories to improve your business! Bravo Geoffrey!

Racquel's Headshot

Storytelling is powerful. Loved the way Geoffrey simplified this message.

Gerry's Headshot

Geoffrey gives an incredibly complete, inspiring, and engaging speech about the power of story in our lives and our businesses. Great job.

Storytelling is so extremely important in all forms of communication and Geoffrey really narrowed down the strategy. One of the best TEDx talks I have seen in a while. I will now be thinking in story for the rest of the week!

Sean's Headshot

Fantastic work. Powerful message. So much value in such a short period of time. I watched it several times and picked up something new each time. I love the P.A.D. construct. I’m absolutely going to use that for my business.

About Geoffrey Klein

Geoffrey’s career over the last 25 years has been about helping connect the right message to the right audience for the greatest impact. His experience spans from being legally trained to working for Seth Godin to working on major motion pictures at Paramount Pictures and MGM Studios.

Geoffrey has presented at Tedx LehighRiver, has guest lectured at Manchester Metropolitan University (UK), Drexel University, Hussian College and Temple University. As well, he has presented programs on The Science of Story at WeWork, CareersPHL, Intelligent Office, City-Coho, and the Small Business Expo.

In addition to running a content marketing agency, Geoffrey is an adjunct professor at Temple University’s School Of Media And Communication.

Watch Geoffrey’s Tedx Talk

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